Mitigation of Flood Risk

The main objective of this workspace is operational aspect of life-cycle vulnerability and use of Vessel TRIAGE for severity of a flooding scenario, utilizing measurement data and prediction of progressive flooding. In addition, various risk control options will be investigated.

An essential part of mitigation of flooding risk is to analyse the severity of the situation, based on measurements and prediction of progressive flooding. The results from other WPs regarding the new risk model will be utilized. The Vessel TRIAGE concept will be used and further developed for easy and clear communication on the risk/safety level between all stakeholders. The processing of the available measurement signals and enhanced tools for assessment and updating of the damage extend will be developed. Special attention is paid on the quantification of risk to be used in the selection of the colour code. In addition, the available evacuation time will be studied, including the effects of flooding consequences. For clear communication between the ship in distress and shore-based support organization, an advanced data exchange format will be developed, so that all stakeholders share the same information and situation.

Another major topic in mitigation of flooding risk is the evaluation of possible active counter actions. A workshop will be arranged to gather various methods for risk control, considering both traditional passive systems and novel active measures. Technical requirements from life-cycle approach will be studied.

The developed methods and tools will be tested and demonstrated. Results from other WPs, sample ships, damage scenarios, model tests, etc., will be utilized.


Please find below a the video demonstration of the methods developed in WP6:

Mitigation of Flood Risk Mitigation of Flood Risk Mitigation of Flood Risk

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